Frequently Asked Questions

Personnel Mustering Questions

Emergency Response Questions

General AllClear Questions

I have an access control system. Why do I need a separate mustering solution?

An access control system is designed to manage the security of the site, such as entry and exit, surveillance, and credential management. As your Emergency Readiness Platform, AllClear, is the right tool for managing mustering and accountability so you don’t end up with gaps in your process.

Do I need to keep track of two different employee lists?

No. AllClear aggregates all of the important information you need to support decision making and presents it in an intuitive and easy to use interface.

What if I don’t need to account for my entire site?

Most events start in the production units or a specific area. If you can focus the event and account for everyone, the rest of the site can often continue to operate safely.

AllClear comes with the ability to follow the evolution of an event. That means it can start an event in a small area like a production unit and escalate to the full site if necessary.