Find everyone fast in an emergency

Actionable data you need to make fast, high-quality decisions during drills and incidents to keep your people safe and get them back home at the end of their shift.


Paper-based mustering always fails in an emergency

When running a drill with clipboards and pens or printed reports, you’ve probably felt the process is inefficient and ineffective—leading you to dread an actual incident.

How long does it take to complete a roll call of the entire site? How long does it take to realize one of your workers is missing? How long does it take to find them?

AllClear speeds up the mustering process by allowing you to account for all your personnel rapidly during an incident or drill. You’ll know immediately if anyone is in an unsafe area or is at risk of serious injury. Additionally, you’ll be able to run shorter drills so your teams can get back to work sooner.

Lives are at stake, and a relatively small investment can prevent a future catastrophe.

Ensure real-time safety for personnel in industrial environments

✓  Account for all personnel during drills and actual incidents—including visitors and contractors.
✓  Isolate response to specific areas. If the event occurs in a specific unit, AllClear can focus on the affected area, leaving the rest of the plant in service.
✓  Escalate the event response as necessary.
✓  Have the exact count of the actual site population and progress of emergency mustering events in real-time—without the need for a roll call.
  Quickly understand the easy-to-use user interface.
✓  Allow multiple response teams to view the event as it unfolds on various devices (PC, tablet, phone, etc.).
✓  Collect forensic records of all events to support continuous improvement.
✓  Notify badge holders they are accounted for with clear visual and auditory feedback.

Choose the right deployment option for your site

From fixed installations at networked locations to remote assembly areas with minimal infrastructure, different situations require different deployment strategies. We have solutions for you.

For multiple scenarios

Full site evacuation events require different behaviors and reporting than shelter-in-place events. The same is true for an event isolated in a specific unit. AllClear allows for the appropriate response and reporting for all emergency scenarios. AllClear also provides the tools to practice (drill) the most likely or critical potential scenarios.

For projects

Turnarounds and construction have traditionally been a significant vulnerability for emergency response teams. The transient workforce and temporary nature of the worksite make improvements a real challenge.

With AllClear, you’ll know how many personnel are in the project area, how to account for them in an emergency, and how to move them in and out more accurately and efficiently than ever.

Want to account for 100% of your personnel in 15 minutes? Here’s how.

Schedule a call to walk through your current process

Talk to one of our AllClear specialists.

Build stakeholder support

Getting a budget requires a plan. We can help.

Implement AllClear

We’ll be there from engagement through your first drill and beyond.

Start your journey to 100% accountability

Become well-equipped and ready, so you feel confident and gain peace of mind.

Accounting for more than 5,000,000 people annually in companies like yours

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Are you ready to keep your people safe on a regular basis?

Still not sure if AllClear is right for you?

Take a look at how AllClear helped a company just like yours invest in 100% accountability.

A midwestern fertilizer plant replaced manual mustering to transform their readiness and response.

A midwestern fertilizer plant chose AllClear to replace manual mustering. The first accountability drill run at the site improved accountability to 97% in under 5 minutes. The remaining three percent were accounted for in 10 minutes. The success of the project also resulted in the site being nominated for a prestigious corporate safety award.

A major North American refinery improved time to accountability for their turnaround by 75%.

The refinery owner is committed to readiness for turnarounds in addition to its standard operations. Using AllClear Unit Accountability and Mustering during their 10-week turnaround project, the site was able to reduce the time to account for 2300 personnel in the project area from 3 hours to just 45 minutes. That’s an improvement of 75%, resulting in improved productivity and better emergency response.

A US producer of PVOH in the Gulf Coast replaced an antiquated technology. The results exceeded expectations.

A US producer of PVOH in the Gulf Coast has brought AllClear to bear on their site to replace an antiquated technology. Prior to the change, the site was severely limited in its ability to respond to data in emergencies. By replacing their outdated PACS and adding AllClear, the site now has a fully functioning process for accounting for people during normal operations and during an emergency.