refinery, scaffolding

Through the years our customers have been the guiding light for how we run our business. Specifically, we built AllClear to address the needs you and your sites face. Whether it’s addressing real time awareness of where a contractor is working in a turnaround or getting full accountability during an incident, every feature or function in AllClear is there because you told us it was important for your readiness.  The most recent product enhancement, AllClear Equipped, was built because customers said that inspection, testing and maintenance of emergency equipment is a challenge for emergency readiness, historical record keeping and audit preparation.

As we kick off 2025, we’re still listening. Existing customers and new users are telling us that the right approach to value for their budget continues to be a concern. Geopolitical uncertainty from conflicts in the Ukraine and the Middle East have impacted costs for chemical companies and their budgets have taken a hit. Refining margins are down. In some states in the US, governments are working to end the sale of gas-powered vehicles. In other words, you told us that there are headwinds impacting your ability to fund important emergency response projects.

In 2018, after hearing from you, we created the ERaaS (Emergency Readiness as a Service) subscription for AllClear. This allows companies to use operational budgets to implement AllClear, ensure their sites’ readiness, and achieve value for the budget. Since then, even through the Global Covid 19 pandemic and other challenges, companies have taken advantage of AllClear’s ERaaS model to ensure emergency readiness.

Now, as we explore the opportunities to ensure maximum value with the available budgets, customers tell us that they  want to continue (or start) their emergency readiness journey with a focus on just the information they need from AllClear to solve their immediate challenge. In other words, if readiness is a journey, and budgets are tight, how can they get the most value for the budgets to which they are now limited?  This inspires us to focus AllClear even further. We’re proud to work with the industry on an even more focused approach to value and to deploy each AllClear platform to meet the most pressing needs of that site. Consider these questions:

  • If I can only spend $X per month, what information would be the most critical to ensure the accountability of my people?
  • If my immediate need is to ensure that I am getting 100% accountability within 15 minutes, what will that cost on its own?
  • If focusing on the availability of my emergency responders is my highest priority, how can I start with only that information?
  • Do I need a historical record of every event or drill?

With inFRONT’s new focused pricing for AllClear, we can collaborate even further with your team to ensure maximum value for every dollar you invest. 

Whether you’re already focused on improving emergency readiness and accountability or just starting to think about improvements, AllClear can help.

Want to learn more? Email me at