John Barth Articles

Offsite Incident Management What-If Scenarios

We've recently released a series of “what if” scenarios that some of our customers have either experienced or were prepared for because they had already asked, “what if?” One recurring question that stood out to us the most was “how do we...

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Provide Accurate Information to the Community

Paraphrased from the video  Plant managers, site directors, or vice presidents have broad responsibility–from hundred-million-dollar budgets to thousands of personnel. The board of directors and stakeholders both work on the ESG strategy....

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Have Actionable Data

Again, we're a technology provider. That's what we do. We have perhaps a bias, but it's our belief that one of the ways that we can help you and your teams be ready is to put the right technology in place. The nature of emergency...

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Protect Your Company’s Integrity

If there's an incident or if there's an actual event that affects the plant itself, personnel, hospitalizations, damage to property, God helps us, fatalities, things like that. It's that plant manager, that site director, that vice...

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Not So Fast: A Winter’s Cautionary Tale

Texas and much of the US Gulf Coast will remember the week of February 15, 2021, for generations. Much like Hurricane Harvey in 2017, Winter Storm Uri’s effects will remain and, if appropriately absorbed, create positive change in the...

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