The AllClear Platform

AllClear by inFRONT helps guide high-hazard sites on their journey to 100% accountability.

AllClear Mustering

Get up-to-the-second data and empower emergency responders to act quickly.

AllClear Unit Accountability

Improve safety, time on tools, and regulatory compliance with Unit Accountability that really works.

AllClear For Turnarounds

Account for all personnel on your site during turnarounds, shutdowns, and construction projects.

AllClear Equipped

Feel confident your equipment is ready with our emergency response equipment readiness software.

AllClear Hot Zone

See all of your emergency responders in the hot zone in real time.

Emergency Response Roster

Maintain a live list of all personnel who are members of the Emergency Response Team (ERT) and their locations.

Again, we’re a technology provider. That’s what we do. We have perhaps a bias, but it’s our belief that one of the ways that we can help you and your teams be ready is to put the right technology in place. The nature of emergency readiness requires that we prepare for those challenges and have the right information available. The only purpose in our mind of having technology is to provide you with data, and not just any data, but information that meets the criteria that you see on your screen, which is actionable, prompt, intuitive, and detailed data and data that must be trustworthy if you’re going to respond effectively. The terms I choose to use are fast, accurate, available, and trustworthy information.
2021 emergency response trends