Year end is a good time to take stock in the past year and look ahead to what’s possible in the year to come. I like to look at the ways that our customers use AllClear to gain insight into current and future needs that we can help them solve. This is how almost all of our product innovations occur – by studying customer needs and enhancing AllClear to meet them.
When we are talking to high hazard sites about Emergency Readiness, we spend time understanding where their biggest pain points are. In many cases, the site lacks the confidence that they can account for everyone in an emergency. That’s a pretty bold admission to make, and yet some of these sites get stuck in a never ending cycle of analysis, imprisoned by any number of “what if” scenarios. There’s always a way to address the “what ifs” but what’s really happening is the site is not ready to begin to take ownership of the problem and fix it, prolonging the known risk to their people.
One of the most common what-ifs pertains to the loss of power. “What happens if we lose power?” There are several answers to this, the most popular being battery back ups. One of our customers began 2022 with the same question in mind and, lo and behold, they were faced with a scenario when an explosion damaged network infrastructure and knocked out power to the site. Faced with the task to account for over 1,000 people in the emergency, their Emergency Response Coordinator grabbed 3 of our AllClear Hand Carry Assembly Stations and set up assembly areas off site. They were able to account for everyone as they arrived at the offsite location, even though power was out on site.
This customer began the year with an unsettling question in their mind but used their ingenuity and agility to employ the tools at their disposal during an emergency to overcome their “nightmare scenario” of losing power. They go forward from here with the confidence that they are more ready than ever.
This is one of the aspects of AllClear adoption that I am very proud of: Although it’s impossible to plan for everything, with AllClear it is possible to be ready for anything. We spend a lot of time with customers envisioning how they can be ever more ready. With practice and real experience, our customers continuously advance their capabilities.
Will 2023 be the year that you move the needle?