News & Blog

How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall?

How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall?

Hidden value of mustering drills and the importance of practice.​”Good teams perform better in games than they do in practice, but great teams practice great.” That’s a quote an early mentor said to me while explaining how we would approach Safety. It’s stayed with me…

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How To Get To 15 Minutes

How To Get To 15 Minutes

Emergency Response requires Continuous Improvement. Here’s how to apply it to mustering Our professional lives at inFRONT are spent in conversation with refineries and chemical plants about the importance of continuous improvement in Emergency Response. In the…

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Mike Tyson is Correct

Mike Tyson is Correct

How building muscle memory will help you win during a petrochemical emergency. ​How’s Your Plan?The former prizefighter turned stand-up performer is generating quotable quips that are sprinkled throughout the Internet. One of his most popular quotes, believe it or…

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Data Will Empower Emergency Responders in 2019

Data Will Empower Emergency Responders in 2019

Over the holidays, I took some time to reflect on the past 12 months at inFRONT, and it gave me time to recall many of the lessons learned from our work in refining and petrochemicals. Each learning came from the experiences we or our customers had in striving to…

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